Soil Lab Testing Equipments Put Great Significance In Soil Test Practice

Posted: December 16, 2015 in Industries
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Under soil testing technique, professionals chemically remove the elements; such as calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, sulfur, and manganese, from the soil. With this technique, we can easily determine the nutrients content in soil sample that further helps us in determining the amount of fertilizer needed for the soil. Soil lab testing equipment helps in measuring the soil pH level, humidity, and exchangeable acidity. With proper analyses, you can find whether there is any need of using lime or not. If you need to use lime, the report will show the quantity you need to apply.

Soil lab testing equipment
Experts recommend lab equipment for soil testing

Professionals recommend premium quality soil testing tools for better output. Manufacturers across the world are delivering the best designs for such equipments in the market. You must know the supplier and exporter who can provide you the best deal. Reliable and sophisticated equipment can be used to examine plants, soil, irrigation water, and manure. Professionals often use these equipments to perform precision soil testing, plant analysis, and water quality assessment.

Good sample should be used

You must perform soil testing at right time in right manner. It is always recommended to take a sample several months prior undertaking a new landscaping. In case the soil tests recommend lime, you can have plenty of time to apply it.

You can plan for soil testing for shrubbery, trees, perennials, and lawns after 3 or 4 years. Though, there is no fix time to conduct your samples, still mid Augusts to mid September provide an apt time to take soil samples for bluegrass, fescue, and other season grasses.

You must avoid using bronze or brass tools as they can contaminate your soil samples with copper and/or zinc. You must use a clean plastic bucket to mix your sample. In case you notice chemicals or fertilizers in the bucket, wash it thoroughly and then use it for performing soil testing. Make sure the soil lab testing equipments you are using should be made of quality materials.

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